I like the simplicity and boldness | Enter a partial name of an article and press the Tab key to display those Articles that match the search criteria |
The description of the article | The charge will be removed from the posting window and the total of the posted charges will be reduced accordingly |
Reversing a Posting Once an article has been posted on the Post It screen, you may reverse the charge post a negative amount by selecting the Minus button, then again selecting the article button.
The UPC scanner will emulate the keyboard input | Select the Enter button on the Post It screen, the Tab key on your keyboard, or the Enter key on your keyboard to display a list of possible matches below the search fields in the information area |
Tap on it to create a Cortana reminder | When I first started using the app, I found the "board" concept to be unhelpful and aggravating to use |
The article button may be selected multiple times to post more than one of the same article.
1Articles might include snacks, drinks, sundries, toiletry items, and so forth | We recommend using the Article search field to find the required article |
When you will finish filling the form, you have to preview the result by clicking on the " Preview" button | Collaborate and share notes with co-workers, teachers and friends, or export to your favorite apps and cloud services—including Miro, Trello, Dropbox, iCloud, PowerPoint, Excel, PDF, and more |
Post them anywhere to help remind you of any task that you need to complete so you don't forget!.