Premiums are collected through SADAD or by direct deduction from the employees salary through his agency Fill in the statements of witnesses
The marriage official will verify electronically the entered information Select the date and place


The application will be processed internally in the bank and the loan amount will be transferred to the citizens bank account.

نموذج طلب إجازة زواج
It is an electronic service that is provided by the Ministry of Justice
في يومها العالمي .. هذا المرض يمنع المرأة من الزواج والإنجاب.. فيديو
شروط قرض الزواج بنك التسليف 60 ألف 1443 بالتفصيل
The system will determine an appointment for the citizen to send the required documents via mail
Access the Social Development Bank website, If the bride is a divorcee, she should submit a copy of her divorce decree
To be married for the first time If the bride is a widow or her father is deceased, she should submit a copy of the deed of determination of heirs

عروس البوابة: إتيكيت التقدم للزواج.. ما يجب وما لا يجب فعله

To be married for the first time.

نموذج طلب إجازة زواج
In case of conformity, the information of the citizen will be brought from the concerned governmental authorities
شروط قرض الزواج بنك التسليف 60 ألف 1443 بالتفصيل
The period is calculated from the date of submitting the application
تخصيص رموز تعبيرية للعائلة الملكية البريطانية على الهواتف
The date of calculating the period of the marriage contract is the Hijri date