Exit period: From the time the application is accepted to the end of the period of allowing the curfew within the neighborhood declared by the Ministry of Interior Request time: In total curfew areas at any time and in partial curfew areas only in the period of prohibition
A suspected HIV infection report can be filed by selecting the "Reports" page on the home screen, selecting a suspected injury report, and then identifying the suspect for the same amount, or someone else by entering his data or someone else by scanning his barcode and then filling out the required data and then filing a report The Ministry of Health can prevent an emergency supply permit for health reasons for injured, contacted or suspected patients

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Cancellation of the application: It cannot be cancelled after submission.

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If necessary, an individual can apply for the following exit permits: - A supply permit inside the neighborhood
- The presence of a permit for the relative is mandatory
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Required data: No data required to apply Warning: Return to the place of residence before the end of the permit period, and when it is notified, the permit will be transferred to the prohibition red color and make you subject to the application of the regular sanctions
In the absence of a ban on the ministry of health, the reasons for the refusal are as follows:• Note: The controls are adjustable according to the competent authorities The ministry of interior's instructions and the rules of the walking permit must be adhered to in no more than 1 km from the place of residence and when it is notified will be alerted by the application and the permit will be converted to prohibition red color and the individual is subject to regular sanctions

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Partial restriction areas: Because the request for an emergency supply permit is not allowed for the grace period, that it exceeds the daily limit once, that it exceeds the weekly limit four times, that it is outside the residence or that an active emergency medical permit is available arrival at a medical facility has not been confirmed.

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Note: The controls are adjustable according to the competent authorities
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An exit permit for an emergency catering purpose that allows the individual to leave and return to the place of residence, in accordance with the following regulations:• To file a complaint of HIV infection, it is necessary first to determine whether the case is for the same amount or for another person to enter their data or to scan their barcode, if the same person is requesting the mobile number and location and answering health questions, but if someone else by entering their data is requested the name of the case holder and mobile number and location and answer the questions Health, but if someone else has to scan their barcode, the amount will be opened to read the barcode from the application of Our Client for the suspect to identify him and then ask the amount to enter the temperature of the suspect and then press ok knowing that the communication will be accepted if the temperature is between 38
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Use: Used by individuals during curfew period in total or partial curfew areas
Cancel the order: It cannot be cancelled after the request The Ministry of Health can prohibit walking permits for health reasons for injured, contacted or suspected of being infected
The prohibition period shall be an emergency supply permit, an emergency medical permit, a walking permit, a humanitarian status permit, a temporary driver's permit, a work permit, a medical appointment permit, a delivery service permit or a transportation permit for students Terms of approval: There is no prior request on the same day and the weekly limit does not expire and the place of residence is on request

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The Ministry of Health can prevent a declaration of a humanitarian condition for health reasons for injured, contacted or suspected patients.

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It aims to contain cases and ensure that they do not spread through the services provided, such as highlighting the health condition of the beneficiary, in addition to its technical integration with the application of social distancing
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Total restriction areas: Because it exceeded the daily limit once, exceeded the weekly limit four times, was outside the residence or an active emergency medical permit was not confirmed at a medical facility
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Yes, it is possible, since when you request an emergency medical permit it will be requested to determine whether you are the patient or the companion and then add another person only one When you choose that you are the patient, the addition of the other person will be optional as an escort when needed driver or assistant When you choose to be the escort, the other person's addition will be mandatory as a patient