English Search the English translation either with exact wording or otherwise The surah is also known as: Soul- Snatchers, Extractors, The Angelic Pullers, The Forceful Chargers, The Pluckers, The Soul-Snatchers, Those That Rise, Those Who Pull and Withdraw, Those Who Tear Out
You can search in the following ways:• for example: Innal lazeena aamanoo• Arabic Search the original text either by a single or more than one word

متن و ترجمه سوره نازعات + عکس

The main theme of the surah is the possibility and inevitability of the Resurrection, its results, and its timing.

أسباب نزول سورة النازعات.. تعرف على أسباب نزول وتسمية سورة النازعات
Urdu Search the Urdu translation either with exact wording or otherwise
سورة النازعات
The story of Moses and Pharaoh acts as encouragement to the Prophet and a warning to the disbelievers
دلائل قدرة الله في سورة النازعات
Transliteration Search the transliteration of the original text with exact wording or otherwise

قراءة سورة النازعات


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سورة النازعات
فضل سورة النازعات

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مقاصد سورة النازعات
فضل سورة النازعات
[79] An