The Cochrane database of systematic reviews J Am Pharm Assoc 2003
Ruxton, K; Woodman, RJ; Mangoni, AA August 2015 "Zinc for the common cold"

ادوية الكحة للحامل

The Cochrane database of systematic reviews.

علاج الكحة للاطفال
The Cochrane database of systematic reviews
دواء للكحة
healthfully - Can Seasonal Allergies Make You Cough? "Therapeutic options for acute cough due to upper respiratory infections in children"
شراب سولان للأطفال والكبار لعلاج الكحة والزكام بفاعلية
"Abuse of Medications That Theoretically Are Without Abuse Potential"
healthfully - Can Seasonal Allergies Make You Cough? British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology "Over-the-counter OTC medications to reduce cough as an adjunct to antibiotics for acute pneumonia in children and adults"
Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease "Treatment of the common cold"

علاج الكحة الناشفة: أفضل الطرق المنزلية

The Cochrane database of systematic reviews 9 : CD007881.

افضل علاج للكحه الجافه من الصيدليه
Knut Schroeder; Tom Fahey 2002
دواء كحة يسبب النعاس وأشهر أدوية الكحة الموجودة في الصيدليات
Molassiotis, A; Bailey, C; Caress, A; Brunton, L; Smith, J Sep 8, 2010
أدوية السعال
medicalnewstoday - What causes a chronic cough? "[Summary of NHG practice guideline 'Acute cough']"
Smith, SM; Schroeder, K; Fahey, T Aug 15, 2012 "Over-the-counter OTC medications for acute cough in children and adults in ambulatory settings"
Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2 : CD001364

أبرز المعلومات عن كحة الحساسية

Medsafe cough and cold group.

دواء للكحة الناشفة
Australian Prescriber 32 : 122—4
علاج الكحة الناشفة: أفضل الطرق المنزلية
"Honey for acute cough in children"
ما أفضل علاج للكحة
"Efficacy of zinc against common cold viruses: an overview"