It is smaller and denser and uniquely incorporates egg and honey in the dough Salt, pepper, paprika, cinnamon, cocoa, raisins and other ingredients may be added
Waffle A potato-based savory food in a waffle-like lattice shape Sweet bread A rounded bread made of flour, eggs, yeast, sugar, and salt

طريقة عمل جباتي

Pancake Shallow-fried pancakes of grated or ground potato, flour and egg, often flavored with grated onion or garlic and seasoning.

طريقة عمل خبز جباتي الهندي
Parottas are usually available in restaurants and road side shops across Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and the Middle East
قائمة أنواع الخبز
طريقة خبز الجباتي
Slightly sweet -style loaf with a dense crumb
They are common in the UK and Ireland and are also available in some other countries In the New England region of the US, milk toast refers to toast that has been dipped in a milk-based white sauce
They are sometimes made from mashed potatoes to produce pancake-shaped croquettes The dish is sometimes dipped into soft-boiled egg

قائمة أنواع الخبز

Unlike a true pancake, it is made from dough instead of batter.

طريقة عمل شباتي بجميع انواعه .. الهندي و بالجبن
In UK, usually just called a "muffin"
طريقة عمل خبز الشباتي
Holiday bread Traditional sweet yeast loaf, most popular around Christmas and New Year, typically Veronese, usually shaped like a with 8 pointed-star section, often served dusted with vanilla scented icing sugar made to resemble the snowy peaks of winter Italian Alps
[بالفيديو] طريقة عمل خبز جباتي
Sweet bread Made from sugar, butter, eggs, anise seeds and lemons