It was a cold spring morning, and the sun was shining as Tom was walking down the street, and suddenly the wind rose and struck a Tom branch on his head, and he suddenly remembered the story of the lost treasure The husband is happy to hear the news and feels that happiness and wealth are in his hands, and his wife asked him to never tell this story to anyone and keep it a secret, but when he recovered from illness and went to the village; Sitting with his friends, he was not helpless and told them the secret
The story turns that the father is a suspect in a murder because of his grief over his son, and his resort to identifying a group of deviant policemen to help with his crime The first evidence of the treasure was as follows: A brilliant star, oh bright star, how silver and shiny are my jewels

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Then a sudden phone call shattered his silence, and it was an unusually hot September, a threatening voice appeared on the other end of the phone line, Dragan was cautious but irresistibly curious.

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Almost immediately, he finds himself involved with a gambler and a beautiful young woman, drawn to a decades-old murder mystery
1 من أجمل القصص الخيالية الممتعة
The author weaves events in Cold Blood together between stories of killers and investigators who investigate through interviews with those who know the victims and the killers
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The events of the story feature that an assassin stitches the corpses of animals and humans together
The wife used the treasures to buy rice, ghee, sugar and other household necessities, while the wife hid a lot of money, and did not even tell her husband about discovering these treasures, and she remained silent, she went to work every day, and the husband had no doubt Several years later, a boy named Tom Poplenuck heard this story from his grandfather, who heard it from his grandfather, and in fact, for several generations, this story was passed down in the Bublenuck family
This story began long ago in the year 1009, when it was said that there was hidden treasure in the lost city of Rusaka, in the country of India, and for hundreds of years people mistakenly believed that it would be easy to find them, but they were wrong, everyone who went to find the treasure never returned Below is a place of worship that must go

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The father searches for answers, the father meets his classmate, Scott, and the already miserable life takes another sinister turn after this girl is gone and killed.

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Now in 2009, Tom is 30 years old; He just lost his job, had no money, and Tom was totally lucky, or so he thought
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But when she went to Earth on the eighth day, she found nothing, and was searching for gold and silver all day, but to no avail, the woman was hungry in the afternoon, so she sat and prepared some food, lit the wood and cooked rice
قصة خيالية عن الكنز قصيرة عربي
Events took place in the zoo in a science fiction world, where criminals hang magical animals around the park in a strange and striking way