Sanctions [ ] In December 2019, the sanctioned Khazali for "involvement in serious human rights abuse in Iraq During his incarceration became acting commander of the organisation until his release
Martin's Griffin, 2012 , p In December that year, notorious special groups commanders and were allowed to return to Iraq and declared they would be working with Khazali after their return

الخزعلي يكشف عن دخول فريق إماراتي لإدارة جهاز المخابرات العراقي

" On 31 December 2019, U.

الخزعلي يكشف عن دخول فريق إماراتي لإدارة جهاز المخابرات العراقي
[ ] A former follower of , he was expelled from the in 2004 for giving "unauthorized orders" and founded his own group: AAH also known as the "Khazali network" that was later designated as a terrorist group by the USA government
غضب عراقي من هجوم قيس الخزعلي على قائد ثورة العشرين
Media related to at Wikimedia Commons• Secretary of State named Khazali, along with , , and , as responsible for the
قيس الخزعلي حول تصريحات وزير الخارجية: مؤسفة ومرفوضة
As head of the Special Groups, Khazali directed arms smuggling, formation of death squads to participate in sectarian violence, kidnappings, and assassinations, most notably the 20 January 2007 attack on American forces in
Khazali was released in January 2010, in exchange for the release of , who had been kidnapped by Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq Urban, Mark, Task Force Black: The Explosive True Story of the Secret Special Forces War in Iraq , St
Arrest and release [ ] On the night of 20 March 2007 G squadron of the raided a house in containing Khazali and arrested him along with his brother and his Lebanese advisor without casualties and gained valuable intelligence

صدور مذكرة اعتقال بحق قيس الخزعلي

designated Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq as foreign terrorist organization, with Qais al-Khazali and his brother Laith al-Khazali as.

تويتر يحيّد قيس الخزعلي... ما الأسباب؟
2009 , , New York, NY: Encounter Books, External links [ ]• On 3 January 2020, U
قيس الخزعلي حول تصريحات وزير الخارجية: مؤسفة ومرفوضة
الخزعلي يكشف عن دخول فريق إماراتي لإدارة جهاز المخابرات العراقي

قيس الخزعلي حول تصريحات وزير الخارجية: مؤسفة ومرفوضة


قيس الخزعلي يوطّد عضويته في
من هو قيس الخزعلي
تويتر يحيّد قيس الخزعلي... ما الأسباب؟