And if you upgrade to a new device, your apps go with you — no need to redownload as long as your apps stay up to date When you download a universal app on one device, it automatically appears on your other devices
Tap the Today tab and read about influential developers and game creators, learn a few tips and tricks, or see how apps are changing how people work, play, and live Apps must adhere to our guidelines

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App Store purchases are safe and simple, so you can start playing, gaming, reading — or just doing — right away.

App Store
When you download an app, it should work as promised
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We strongly support all points of view being represented on the App Store
‏App Store‏
5 billion devices worldwide, allowing users to buy and download apps without lags or drags
We help app developers take advantage of our latest hardware technologies Apple products use industry-leading technology to bring apps to life — so you can experience more of the amazing things your devices are capable of
Or when a game controller syncs up easily with a new game on your iPhone Our App Store Review Guidelines require apps to be safe, provide a good user experience, comply with our privacy rules, secure devices from malware and threats, and use approved business models

‏App Store‏

We also ensure that apps are denied access to certain sensitive data on your device, are unable to modify your device or OS, and are prohibited from obtaining complete access to your data.

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You should never have to worry about inappropriate content
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Stories and collections that inform, help, and inspire
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Apps help unlock the full potential of your Apple devices