American Academy of Sleep Medicine
Clinical features and diagnosis of insomnia National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute

ما أسباب قلة النوم

: American Psychiatric Association; 2013.

اسباب الارق وقلة النوم
Bonnet MH, et al, Treatment of insomnia
الكشف عن أسباب مشاكل نوم المراهقين
Evaluating the effectiveness of the Motivating Teens To Sleep More program in advancing bedtime in adolescents: A randomized control trial
ما أسباب عدم النوم ليلاً
Approach to the patient with sleep or wakefulness disorder
Sleep disorders: The connection between sleep and mental health In: International Classification of Sleep Disorders
: American Academy of Sleep Medicine; 2014 In: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-5

أعراض قلة النوم والإرهاق

National Alliance on Mental Health.

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