Sexual conquest was a common metaphor for in Roman discourse, and the "" was part of a "cult of virility" that particularly shaped Roman homosexual practices Leading the charge against the Eretrians he brought the Chalcidians to victory at the cost of his own life
or "nullo" is the term used by the modern body modification community Removing the penis was often performed on and high ranking men who would frequently be in contact with women, such as those belonging to a

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A statue of the god with an exaggerated penis stood outside the main gate of and in in 275 BC, a procession in honor of hauled a 180-foot phallus through the city and people venerated it by singing hymns and reciting poems.

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Any of these procedures may be considered modifications or mutilations in different cultural contexts and by different groups of people
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The sexual license and decadence under the empire was seen as a contributing factor and symptom of the loss of the ideals of physical integrity libertas under the Republic
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Infibulation is seen in rock art in Southern Africa
"Routine non-religious neonatal circumcision and bodily integrity: a transatlantic dialogue" 250 University of California Press, 1998, 2001 , p
Homosexuality in Greece and Rome: A Sourcebook of Basic Documents 8, who disapproves of consorting with either concubini or "girlfriends" amicae in front of one's children

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Hellenization, however, influenced the depiction of male nudity in Roman art, leading to more complex signification of the male body shown nude, partially nude, or costumed in a
Genital modification and mutilation
The genital decoration by scars is an ancient tradition in many cultures, both for men and women
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I'm so sorry for what happened, he is no good there is nothing in him to ammend if he would allow and help in something like that
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During the between the and the , before a decisive battle the Chalcidians called for the aid of a warrior named glorious warrior How the girl in question feels about it is, rather cruelly, left unexplored

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The words pullus and puer may derive from the same Indo-European root; see Martin Huld, entry on "child," Encyclopedia of Indo-European Culture Fitzroy Dearborn, 1997 , p.

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Butrica, "Some Myths and Anomalies in the Study of Roman Sexuality," pp
Homosexuality in ancient Greece
Some men, however, insisted on ignoring this convention
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