Such sticks are effective, inexpensive, common, available, and contain many medical properties" [ ] In , miswak is known as Kayu Sugi for ''
Khan, Tehmeena, Toothbrush Miswak , in Muhammad in History, Thought, and Culture: An Encyclopedia of the Prophet of God 2 vols [ ] In addition to strengthening the , preventing and eliminating , the miswak is said to halt further decay that has already set in

شجرة المسواك او الأراك او ما يسمى ب Salvadora persica او Salvadoraceae

It also features prominently in.

ما هي السنة في السواك ؟
Many of these companies also produce miswak itself
مجمع المسواك لطب الاسنان اكبر مجموعة طبيية متخصصة في طب الاسنان في المملكة العربية السعودية
The end should be cut afresh to ensure hygiene and should never be stored near a or
طريقة استعمال السواك
Yet another comparative study conducted on a sampling of 480 Saudi Arabian adults found that "the level of need for periodontal care in the sample chosen is low when compared with the findings of similar studies undertaken in other countries
Egyptian Journal of Medical Human Genetics, 17 4 , 383-387 "The effect of the extract of the miswak chewing sticks used in Jordan and the Middle East on oral bacteria"
Four things are from among the practices of the Prophets: Circumcision, Perfume, Miswak, and Marriage Religious prescriptions [ ] A pack of miswak sticks

جميع فوائد السواك للفم

A 2016 paper has been published comparing human DNA left on used miswak and , including the effect of time, to determine whether miswak is a reasonable source of DNA when found at crime scenes.

شجرة المسواك او الأراك او ما يسمى ب Salvadora persica او Salvadoraceae
In addition, time of storage up to four months had no or little effects on results
مجمع المسواك لطب الاسنان اكبر مجموعة طبيية متخصصة في طب الاسنان في المملكة العربية السعودية
The miswak is predominant in -inhabited areas
طريقة استعمال السواك
The use of the miswak is frequently advocated in the the traditions relating to the life of Muhammad