tossed with pieces of dry or fried flatbread and seasoned with olive oil, lemon juice and sumac After cooking, the pot is flipped upside-down onto the plate when served, hence the name maqluba which translates literally as "upside-down"
Mezze [ ] Hummus, falafel, salad, pickles and khubz The blend of spices called contains a common local herb called that grows wild in Jordan and is closely identified with Jordanian and other Mideastern cuisines


Soups [ ] In Jordan, meals are usually started with soups.

كم مدة سلق البيض
, , and all have a role in Jordanian cuisine
Other ingredients may include vegetables such as carrots, potatoes, celery, parsley, and onion
ما حقيقة أضرار الجرجير للحامل؟
Oregano, sage, or sumac can also be mixed in
It is traditionally baked in a tabun oven and eaten with different fillings , an aniseed-flavoured spirit, is also drunk with food
Not quite as salty, crumbly and dry as , but similar A mixed grill of barbecued meats such as kebab and shish taouk

كم مدة سلق البيض

Also known as bread, it is sold as , stuffed with , or shaved meat.

قصة عمر بن الخطاب
and are the most popular brands of tea in Jordan
ما حقيقة أضرار الجرجير للحامل؟
Jordanian cuisine is also influenced by the cuisines of groups who have made a home for themselves in modern Jordan, including , , , , and
قصة عمر بن الخطاب
is commonly served alongside food and is a common ingredient itself; in particular, , a form of dried yogurt is unique to Jordanian cuisine and a main ingredient in the national dish of , and a symbol in Jordanian culture for generosity Usually served with chicken and also called dawali
As one of the largest producers of in the world, is the main cooking oil in is also usually served on more formal occasions

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In villages, meals are a community event with immediate and extended family present.

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Meat and vegetables cooked in a large underground pit
ما حقيقة أضرار الجرجير للحامل؟
CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list• Then dried coriander is stirred in with freekeh and cooked
ما حقيقة أضرار الجرجير للحامل؟
Food culture and traditions [ ] Jordanian cuisine is a part of and shares many traits and similarities with the cuisine of , and , often with some local variations