According to a Prophetic tradition: "Muslims are brethren, they never do wrong to each other, they never forgo supporting each other, they never abandon their brethren in hardships | Surat Al Hujurat ayat 10 menegaskan bahwa orang-orang yang beriman itu bersaudara |
" See also [ ]• Orang-orang mukmin harus menjadikan taqwa sebagai landasan dalam seluruh amal dan aktifitasnya | Concepts of brotherhood in the verse [ ] Relationship between believers should be firm and bilateral |
The verse is about the brotherhood of believers with each other; which says: "the believers are but brothers, so make settlement between your brothers.
14The Islamic Moral System: Commentary of Surah al-Hujurat | They never deceive each other |
Dengan taqwa ia bisa adil dan tidak diskriminatif | Ayat ini menggunakan istilah ikhwah bukan ikhwan, untuk menunjukkan kuatnya ikatan persaudaran itu |