My city is not just the place I live in but an essential part of my identity, Everyone has fond memories of their city and they always remain a part of a person's life, My city for me is a place where I have spent most of my childhood The term travel is one of the colloquial terms that we repeat every day, and we find that there are many individuals who love to learn about some meanings in various languages and talk here about travel that helps a person to relax and reduce the accumulated pressures on him as a result of the burdens that fall on everyone's shoulders, and travel saves a
Man without optimism, like planting without water I believe there's no meaning in learning proper Mandarin language

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It was only then that she learned the meaning of the word sterilization.

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female name n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc
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الي ماتعرف تكتب اسمها بالانجليزي تجي وتدور اسمها من ضمن الاسماء
given name of a girl or woman