The girl said [that] she is sick We will study their affect on the declension of the two parts of the nominal sentence, i
This Arabic course with images and audios will help you learn Arabic In this lesson we are still studying the nominal sentence, with a new type of annuller

إن وأخواتها ( الحروف الناسخة ) : تعريف ، إعراب ، أمثلة واضحة

We consider the meeting [to be] necessary.

إن وأخواتها : شرح الحروف الناسخة و إعرابها مع أمثلة تطبيقية
We learnt that they intervene in the Arabic nominal sentence and make changes in its declension, meaning, and terms
إن وأخواتها : شرح الحروف الناسخة و إعرابها مع أمثلة تطبيقية
He left the door open
إِنَّ وأَخَواتها
The people are still optimistic
We consider the meeting [to be] necessary Ahmed believed driving was easy
He left the door open [Indeed] the boy is tall

إِنَّ وأَخَواتها


من اخوات ان ما يلي
The annullers which we will study in this lesson are not verbs, instead they are particles
إِنَّ وأَخَواتها
Ahmed believed driving was easy
إن وأخواتها
This is lesson sixty of our free Arabic language course
This book is not good This book is not good
The girl said [that] she is sick The people are still optimistic

Annuller particles (/inna/ and its sisters)

[Indeed] the boy is tall.

The Arabic (النواسخ)
The subject and the predicate are both originally in nominative case, i
كم أخوات إن
the subject and the predicate
Annuller particles (/inna/ and its sisters)