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Junior Doctors: The New Deal Introduction to nurse practitioner-led clinics

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Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care 2009, June.

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ca, originally published in The Medical Post
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Latest news We have released which allows posting and browsing free calassifieds from your phone or tablet
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This version can be fully customized for hospitals and clinics
; Teasdale, S; Wong, LM; Bruce, NJ; Burns, JA; Gibson, JM 2003 A Strategy for Nursing: a report of the steering committee
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"Establishing a definition for a nurse-led clinic: structure, process, and outcome".

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Department of Health Nursing Division
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A Compendium of Solutions to Implementing the Working Time Directive for Doctors in Training from August 2004
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London: Department of Health; 2004 "Specialist nurse-led intervention to treat and control hypertension and hyperlipidemia in diabetes SPLINT : a randomized controlled trial"

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Find out more in the , , or for more information or to order a version for your practice.

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Archives of Disease in Childhood
أفضل عيادات الأسنان في الرياض
We have released an update to the with some bug fixes and feature updates which now includes Pharmacy Inventory management and patient stastical reports
د.ياغي: العيادات الصحية المتنقلة تقدم الخدمة الطبية لأكثر من 12 الف
; Holder, RL; Allan, TF; Rose, PE 2000