It is stipulated that the property to be applied for should not be located within the locations where it is not permissible to acquire ownership, whether legally by virtue of decisions and instructions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia or Sharia, and these properties are located in specific areas of the territory of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and you can learn about the details of this condition through the following points:• The authority made it possible to communicate with it directly to obtain the required support by calling 920035544• After that, the registration information is entered, which is:• This matter called many of those wishing to obtain services to search for the platform link, so we will provide it to you where you can go to the platform directly via this link, And then take advantage of the services it provides
After opening the link, the main interface of the platform will appear, in which the option to submit an application will be pressed Documents required to apply for a real estate Ihkam platform The General Real Estate Authority has announced a set of documents required to enable individuals to submit applications for obtaining real estate in the various neighborhoods of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and because identifying these papers is no less important than identifying the registration mechanism, it is an important means among the means of submitting an application, we will explain it to you through The following points:• Preparing a survey document, which should be issued by one of the approved offices, and the document should include coordinate information such as the type of property, its location, area, sides, borders, and all other details

منصة احكام العقارية وكيفية تقديم طلب تملك إلكتروني

These conditions can be identified through the following:• It should not be located within the sacred buildings or in the vicinity of them.

ما هي منصة احكام واهدافها
The building should not be located within the range of water sources
رابط منصة إحكام لتملك العقارات 1442 المرحلة الثانية والشروط المطلوبة
It is stipulated that the construction shall not be located within the coastal lands
منصة إحكام الرقمية تسجيل الدخول لطلب تملك العقارات login
The required documents are uploaded to the site
Through it, the General Secretariat of the Committees considers the applications of applicants for real estate, and the General Authority for State Real Estate launched this platform to achieve a set Among the goals, we will explain these goals to you as follows:• Submit an application for owning a property online via the Ihkam platform A lot of people are looking for a way to submit an application for obtaining a property through the Ehkam platform, a service that we will explain to you the steps to complete through the following:• Password recovery Certification platform Many people are exposed to forgetting their password, so we start searching for a way to recover the password, which is a service that Ehkam platform did not neglect to provide Then click on the Verify Data option
To learn more about the platform, you can follow the article:• Quick consideration of applications for real estate ownership Achieving the highest quality and high efficiency, as the authority cooperates in providing services with a large number of committees

رابط منصة إحكام لتملك العقارات 1442 المرحلة الثانية والشروط المطلوبة

After completing all the previous steps, the user will go to the personal account page, and then the user will be able to obtain the services he desires.

منصة إحكام الرقمية تسجيل الدخول لطلب تملك العقارات login
It must not be located in national reserves, nor should it be located on a frontier precinct
منصة إحكام الرقمية تسجيل الدخول لطلب تملك العقارات login
Also, the construction should not be part of the fish farming projects
منصة إحكام الرقمية تسجيل الدخول لطلب تملك العقارات login
The construction should not be located within the reserved areas such as mining materials, energy materials, etc
After logging in to the account, the application form is filled out, and then the site will require a set of documents to be attached, which are the documents that were clarified in one of the previous paragraphs It is worth noting that when setting a password in the Hekam platform, a set of controls should be taken into account in the word
You can also contact the platform directly via its official email, which is [email protected] It is worth noting that the support team of the Ehkam platform works to receive calls during the official working hours, which start from eight in the morning until seven in the evening, all days of the week, except for Friday and Saturday, so the contact dates should be taken into account, provided that they are in the official working hours to ensure receiving Support required The password must contain a number or combination of numbers

رابط منصة إحكام لتملك العقارات 1443

Today, we present to you an introductory overview of the nature of the digital Ehkam platform, as it is the platform through which the organizational, administrative and technical work related to real estate is carried out.

حلّ المشاكل الشائعة المتعلّقة بميزة
After moving to the link, the main interface of the site will appear and include many options, in which the option to submit an application will be pressed
تسجيل الدخول في رابط منصة إحكام الرقمية لطلب تملك العقارات EHKAM
It is also required that it not fall within the scope of mineral ores
منصة إحكام الرقمية تسجيل الدخول لطلب تملك العقارات login
Link to the real estate platform The Saudi State Real Estate Authority has launched a digital Ehkam platform to facilitate the application for obtaining a property, as well as to provide many other distinguished services