If you receive communication informing you of changes in banking details from suppliers via phone or email, always confirm the changes telephonically using known contact information Make sure the software on your PC is correctly licensed
Always log or sign off at the end of a session Beware of emails that ask for passwords, PINS, credit and debit card information

KSA MOI Services

If you fail to provide the requested information, the stolen funds will not be recovered.

KSA MOI Services
As of 160 MOI services are listed on Absher to help KSA Saudi Expats for ease of all the above mentioned services
Examination and Certification
Enter the words you see in the box, in order and separated by a space
رابط تسجيل الدخول ابشر absar login
It is also useful for checking Public query Hajj Eligibility, , , etc
KSA MOI website is also helpful for expats for Civil Affairs such as Personal Information, Address Information, Bayanati Service, Taqdeer service, Public Health Insurance, Tahsen Services, etc has made all MOI services in KSA online through android app on internet All active examination locations will continue to follow the ABSA COVID-19 safety protocols
To ensure that you are using a secure shopping site, look for the lock and key and security certificates online Ensure you have the latest anti virus software applications loaded on your PC and mobile devices

KSA MOI Services

Often false websites present false goods and services which defraud customers.

Absa Online
Update your operating system and browser with latest patches
Absa Online
KSA MOI Services
Only provide your online password or ID when your browser shows a Secure Socket Layer SSL connection directly to the bank
Make sure no one has unauthorised access to your PC If you are not sure what the words are, either enter your best guess or click the reload button next to the distorted words• Be especially aware that there are no security cameras trained on your PC and keyboard
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia KSA has an official website for Ministry of Interior The call will cause panic and fraudsters attempt to calm you down by revealing some of your details

KSA MOI Services

Install personal firewall on your PC if you use a dial-up modem.

رابط تسجيل الدخول ابشر absar login
Do not leave your computer unattended after you have entered your Absa Online password
KSA MOI Services
Do not open e-mails from unknown sources
KSA MOI Services
Only provide your credit card details to reputable companies