�� 塈�堮��堻 堻堥堛�堥堭 13, 2012 9:25 pm 堛堭�堹 堧� 堛媢�� ��塈 堧�堭��� �堧�堭��� 媢�堹�塈 堛媞�堥 媢�� 堥堭�堜 �� 塈�堬�塈� 塈媢奡�� 堥堿���-堮���� ��塈�-塈�� 堿塈堥堛�� 堥媯�堛 | 媢塈堹堜� �塈 ���� �堹� �堣�塈堙 塈�堧�堭塈堹 堛媯�堭 �堛堶�堬 ���塈�媢� 媞塈�堥�塈 �塈 �婺�堭�� �媢堛�堹塈堛 堧�堳堭 媢堹塈埵�堜 |
We fight, we kiss, we hug | �堭堻�堜 堥�塈堻媟堜 �堹��堜 �����奡� ���塈奡� |
��� �塈 堧堭�堹� ��媟� 堧� 堧媔�� �堹塈� �堶� ��堥�� � 堧��堻 ��: 堧媢奡�� 堿堹塈� | 堥媢媔 塈�塈堶�塈� 堛堿堥堭� 塈�婺堭�� 媢�� 媢堹� ��� 媢堥塈堭堜 堧�塈 堧堶堥� 堥媯�堭堜 |
堶堥�堥� �� 塈奡堛塈� �� 塈堶堥� 堧媢奡�� 堨�� 堶堹 塈�堿��� 堶堥�堥� �塈�堹堭堛 塈媢堛堭��� | Your heart is full of love and affection |
Love you than anything on da world.
Most people walk in and out of your life, but your true friends are the ones who have a place in your heart | It was right there from the start — my beautiful Love , I love you a lot |
You are a special gift from the heavens | B:Oh, where are we get chees• Your smile warms my heart and your presence makes me whole |
�媯��� �奡堛塈埵� 塈堭塈� �� ��塈�� 媟�� ���� �� 塈堶�塈�� 塈媢奡�� 堥堿��� 堹媢�� 堧��堻 �� �堧堮堥堭� 媢� 堶堥� 堹媢�� 堧�堛堭堥 ��� �堧媔媢 堭堧堻� 媢�� 媯堹堭� ��� 堛堻�媢 �堥媔塈堛 ��堥� ��� 堛媢�� 堥�塈堸塈 堻�堮堥堭� ��堥� 堻�堮堥堭� �� 堧�塈 堧堶堥� 堧堶堥 ��� �� 奡�堙 媢���堛� 媟�堥堛� 堭堿��堛� 媯堹�� �堹�埵� 堿���� 堧堶堥� ���� 堥媟堭��堛� 堭堥�塈 堛���.