do you have a school uniform? We can turn off the air conditioners when we go out
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حل كتاب التدريبات انجليزي work book صف سادس فصل ثاني

Where were you born I was born in Kuwait? My sister and I saw some friends from school and played with them.

حلول سادس الفصل الثاني انجليزي
Correct these false sentences Many rich countries do not have safe drinking water- Many poor countries do not have safe drinking water It is very cheap to make clean water in Kuwait- It is very expensive to make clean water in Kuwait A poor old man has invented the Life Straw- Some scientists have invented the Life Straw You can only use the Life Straw to drink from lakes- You can use the Life Straw to drink any water The Life Straw is made of wood- The Life Straw is made of plastic How can you save energy? Ask and answer with a partner
الإنجليزي سادس إبتدائي الفصل الدراسي الثاني
fhed studi for six hours
ملزمة انجليزي سادس ابتدائي 1440 الفصل الثاني Smart class ف2
The triangles are folded into the middle
what time does your school start? Answer these questions about you? ahmed wat ch a dvd about shark ali kick ball for three hours The following image below is a display of images that come from various sources
We can walk to school if we live near it What are you interested in I'm interested in reading and playing football

حل كتاب الانجليزي سادس ابتدائي الفصل الثاني 1441

Listen, match, and circle the correct age.

حلول لغة انجليزية سادس فصل أول
do you have school lunch at your school
حل كتاب العلوم سادس ابتدائي الفصل الثاني
Our father drove us there
حلول سادس الفصل الثاني انجليزي