Every year and you are my heart the source of light every year and you are my soul the source of joy every year and I collect words of love in order to make from it a necklace I dedicate it to you and with feelings free from forgery I tell you every year and your hopes and aspirations are fulfilled every year and you are the most precious thing in life oh all life
The official text is the English version of the website You are waiting for your desire to extinguish them with your tireless work, with your love that lasts and with your sincere heart always

الأخت نعمة, الأخت؛ فاكهة الحياة، والحب المملوء بالشغب الجميل، ولديها الأسرار في خزانة

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اجمل شعر عن الاخت
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بوستات عن الأخوات أجمل كلام عن الأخوات قصير
Today we extinguished the candles of the past, and these candles of tomorrow are lit
عبارات عن حب الأخوات
Email or Phone: Password: Forgot account? Happy new year, sister, you are credited after God in what I am, for you are like a compassionate mother
Disclaimer: All non-English versions of the website contain unofficial translations contributed by our users

بوستات عن الأخوات قوية


بوستات عن الأخوات
الأخوات نعمة
الأخوات نعمة

عبارات عن الأخوات


عبارات عن ابن الاخت قصيرة 2021
عبارات عن الأخت
اجمل الصور عن حب الاخت , صور مميزه عن نعمه الاخت